Product Info
EHR-M3 CR Mammography screens will provide overall improved image quality for DirectView CR Mammography applications as compared to EHR-M2 and earlier mammography screens at the same, or lower, dose.
- Higher DQE than EHR-M2 screens.
- Noise is reduced 20% vs. previous EHR-M2 screens.
- Complimentary with the two new image processing looks introduced in 4Q09, version or later.
- Equal or better physical properties against artifacts. Compatible with the installed base of CR 850, 950, 975, Classic and Elite Mammography Systems as well as newly purchased CR systems.
- Screens use the same DirectView Mammography Cassettes as EHR-M2 screens.
- Available in both 18 x 24 cm (8 x 10 inch) and 24 x 30 cm (10 x 12 inch) sizes.